The potential of feminism in comics

Mar 10, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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Top Five Female Characters That Deserve Their Own Monthly Series

Spinning out of the talented Piper Steed’s Feminism in comics article, it feels like the perfect time in the pop culture landscape to propose a list of the top female character in comics that deserve their own book from the big two: Marvel and DC. The goal of the following list is not to suggest the heroines that would be the coolest to read, but to recommend the characters that would progress the medium of comics forward at this very unique time in the comics industry. A lot of the following arguments involve timing of hot properties as well as righting the wrongs of popular misconceptions about female characters. The rest of them would make just too much since to have their own books.

The following list is comprised of potential titles that are not currently in the catalog of the big two. For example Black Canary does not make the list due to the planned post Convergence book DC has planned for her.


#5: Scarlett Witch: Wanda Maximoff
When she is not being used for a Universe Altering Event it seems like the only use Marvel has for Wanda Maximoff is that of being the love interest of Vision, or the implied incestual relationship with her brother: Quick Silver. Wanda much like Jean Grey has usually been ranked as an Omega-Level Mutant. To have a character as powerful as the Scarlett Witch in her own monthly book that focuses on the struggle to control her immense power, but also find ways to use it to advance Mutant kind could be a potentially empowering concept. A modernized version of the Scarlett Witch that focuses on her power struggle rather than her relationship with the men in her life could be a big seller following the characters upcoming appearance in Avenger’s Age of Ultron.


#4 Quake: Daisy Johnson
This one may call for a little retconning, but (without spoiling Agents of SHIELD Season 2) now seems like the obvious time for Daisy Johnson to have her own series. While her character is the current Director of SHIELD in Marvel comics, a book that focuses on Quakes day to day heroics would be refreshing. Too often Daisy gets bogged down in SHIELD sub-plots that stagnate the character. A swift departure for the peacekeeping organization would allow her to gain a following that could add interest in the Marvel cinematic counterpart of the character. After all it would be nice to see Daisy Johnson actually “quake” more like she did in her Secret Warriors days… rather than conduct another integration.

black cat

#3 Black Cat: Felicia Hardy
In the case of the Felicia Hardy, Marvel needs to take the advice from recent guest of the Geeks with Wives and Capes podcast: Tom Spellman Jr. and just make this series. The character, at least the most recent version written by Dan Slott in The Amazing Spiderman, has been a witty and intelligent foil to Peter Parker. While many look at Black Cat as a b-level Catwoman, that is definitely not the case! The character thrives on being one step ahead of Spidey, rather than the need for his affection. Thus separating her from other Spidey girls like Mary Jane. The only problem is that Marvel seems to have no interest in making this series despite the decent following this character has.


#2 Star Wars’ Ahsoka Tano
How Kanan Jarrus of Star Wars Rebels can get his own comic before Ahsoka Tano is the biggest sign that despite of how far comics have come, a long journey is still ahead. The story of what could have happened following Ahsoka’s departure from the Clone Wars up until the events of Star Wars Rebel’s has to be one strongest conversations in current Star Wars fandom. This book pitches itself by exploring how the character handled the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.


#1 Poison Ivy: Pamela Isley
Echoing all the sentiments of fellow Geeks with Wives Writer: Piper Steed, Poison Ivy deserves her own book. If nothing else just to right the wrongs the character has suffered since Joel Schumacher’s over sexualization of the character played by Uma Thurman in 1997’s: Batman and Robin. Sadly it seems like the character has been trying to escape the villainous lust trope ever since. While you have to respect the DC’s less proactive New 52 redesign of Ivy, Piper’s argument for the need to fully maximize the Ivy character is there. DC needs to set a better standard for the character. Too often she is a great foil for Batman one month in Detective Comics, while the next month she is in a pillow fight with Harley Quinn. In a time when environmental issues seem ignored once again in the current political climate, now is the perfect time to allow Poison Ivy to blossom into her true potential.

As comics and geek culture move forward the goal should be not to use female characters for the sake of doing so. Rather the conversation happening within major publishers should be that of maximizing their female characters to the fullest potential from a story telling perspective. Use characters such as Poison Ivy to tell a great bio-terror story rather than focusing on her latest sleep over with Harley Quinn.

Be sure to sign Piper Steed’s petition to get Ivy here own book here!