Power Rangers #13 (REVIEW)

Nov 17, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Power Rangers #13

Both Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers have slowly been building to the next great MMPR event from BOOM, The Eltarian War. Power Rangers #13 is the second issue of the event, the first under this title. Things are off to a great start.

BOOM! Studios
Written by: Ryan Parrott
Art by: Francesco Mortarino
Colors by: Raul Angulo
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire

Ryan Parrott, who wrote Go, Go Power Rangers during Shattered Grid while Kyle Higgins handled MIghty Morphin Power Rangers, is in charge of both titles this time around. Couple his experience with his position, and this story has great promises. While the war is top of mind, there’s so much else that comes with this.

Can Zordon be saved? What’s going to happen with Zedd? Where’s Drakkon? As much as we don’t know exactly how the war itself will play out, those are all far more interesting questions that could impact both titles greatly.

If you’ve been in on these series for a while, you know this is more of the same. Parrott hasn’t disappointed with either. Neither has Francesco Mortarino, or Marco Renna on Mighty Morphin For those who’ve always reserved a special place in their heart for the original Power Rangers, you’ll want to get in on this event. Both series have the same vibe of the show, but with much, much better writing.

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