Questions Raised in “UFOlogy #1” Review

Apr 1, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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ufologyactualcover (416x640)UFOlogy #1
BOOM! Studios

Writer: James Tynion IV
Illustrator: Matthew Fox
Colourist: Adam Metcalfe
Letterer: Colin Bell

Go buy this book.

UFOlogy’s first issue is downright fantastic. Tynion and his team have crafted something extraordinary in this issue and I hope it continues throughout the rest of the miniseries. Being part one of six, the beginning of the story thrusts you right into the life of Becky Finch, daughter of the local sheriff in the town of Mukawgee. Throughout the issue we learn that despite being accepted into Stanford, she has no desire to leave her small town. We also meet Malcom Chambers, the son of the host of EF-ARR-EE-EE-KAY, a local radio station about cryptozoology and as Becky puts it, the local shut-in crackpot. Malcom is obsessed with the thought of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

One night while Becky and a friend are hanging out, a mysterious light passes through the skies of Mukawgee while Malcom is starwatching, hoping for something. Upon seeing the light enter an abandoned house, Becky and her friend decide to investigate, and see an old, oddly colored man who paralyzes Becky’s friend using weird, glowing particles. And that’s all the spoilers you’re getting from me, so if you want to know more, pick up this book!ufologyinside (416x640)

While Tynion kills it with his writing, the art and coloring is where I get really into it, Fox and Metcalfe are absolutely perfect for each other. The art is very unique and gives the book it’s own feel and just by looking at it, you can tell that UFOlogy is something different but also fun. The little touches that Metcalfe adds in his colors are fantastic as well, like the red on everyone’s cheeks while they’re outside.

This first issue is fantastic, and you should really buy it. It’s something different and unique which seems to be Boom’s goal with their Push Comics Forward initiative. This and all the other issues are going in my pull box and I’m considering checking out James Tynion’s other books as well. You want, no need to read UFOlogy.