Rainbow Six Siege: Season 2 New Operator PREVIEW

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Ubisoft just released the teaser for the new Spanish G.E.O. ( Grupo Especial de Operaciones) operator, Jackal (or The Jackal) aka RYAD RAMÍREZ AL-HASSAR. Season 2 sees the Rainbow team engaging in Operation Velvet Shell. This takes place on a map titled “Coastline”, a small rocky island complex off the coast of Ibiza, Spain.

The first new operator for Year 2 looks to change the current meta of PvP with defending players roaming outside the target defense point. Jackal comes equipped with a special ability in his headgear, that is an Ultra Violet light. After activating (Unclear if this becomes a passive ability or only active for a short time similar to Caviera’s Silent Step) enemy footprints show up in florescent green on the ground. Again, it is isn’t clear if the ability shows all the footprints that have been left behind or just the most recent within a short time window. If this ability showed all the footprints, it would be easy for defenders to backtrack and overlap making the ability useless.

As Jackal says in the trailer “They always leave something behind” *Translated*, this clearly wants to change how PvP is approached with the defenders hiding for a flank or just needing to be hunted down and wasting precious attack time. They no longer will have the advantage of being hidden and tricky, as they will leave behind clues to their hiding spot. Of course like all great players, the defenders can use this to lead you to a trap, playing you. I am not sure how this will effect the Pro League, as those teams practice droning out out portions of the map (leaving no place to hide) in less than a minute, making the need to hunt down your prey (opposing team) a non-point.

As for Jackal’s other equipment, he brings along the lethality of Spain’s Special Forces, Ramírez is equipped with the C7E(rifle) and PDW9(smg) as primary weapons, and the ITA 12S and USP 40 as secondary weapons. More bio and details for Ryad are available at Ubisoft, where they look to build a backstory for Ryad and his reasons for joining the G.E.O., just another way Ubisoft is trying to invest its players and really get to know the operators.

More details for Operation Velvet Shell will be released during the Six Invitational held in Montreal February 3rd.

By Cory Anderson

Born in Boston MA, raised in NH. Fully functioning adult who happens to read any and every comic under the (yellow)sun. Of course there are the favorite comics I must read when they're released, but any comic is fair game in my eyes. Of course my love for pop culture doesn't end with comics, but branches out to movies, toys, video games and most importantly Dungeons and Dragons (which I withheld this last hobby from my Fiancée until she said "Yes"). Point of Origin for my nerdy condition may have been in '93 when I got slimed at Nickelodeon(now closed), and a teenage accident or two(collapsed lungs) landing me in the hospital around the same time the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies started coming out. When my dad stopped at the local comic store and brought me the essential comics for Spiderman and the X-Men, I stood no chance. (Which also created a secret aspiration to start a fundraiser of sorts to bring comic books to kids in hospitals to keep their spirits up(nothing has come of this to date)) Add in a heavy dose of trip to Disney World, upcoming Disney themed wedding and a career aspiration to become a Disney Imagineer, I think it's safe to say I never want to grow up. Xbox Live Gamertag: AllusiveReaper7 (If you notice my xbox achievement score, you might assume I game a bit) Twitter: @AllusiveReaper7 Recent comic addictions(Non "Big Two"): Saga, Crossed, Coffin Hill, Rat Queens, Pathfinder and Rover Red Charlie Collects: Old Comics (Green Lama), Miniatures (D&D, Heroclix, Star Wars), Action Figures preferably 90s and older, and comic book themed hats Systems Owned: NES (though it was my sister's), Game Boy(The gray brick), Sega Genesis, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Game Boy Advanced, Nintendo DS, Xbox, Xbox360, Wii, Xbox One, Junk PC

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