Reinvigorating the Vampire Genre “Graveyard Shift #3” REVIEW

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Graveyard Shift #3

Story By: Jay Faerber
Art By: Fran Bueno

Graveyard Shift #3 begins with a satiated Hope returning to Liam for some sexy time but he senses something’s wrong. She’s overly amorous as if she’s drunk but it’s not alcohol she’s been sipping but instead a conveniently available punk in an alley. Life as a vampire takes some getting used to and there’s a learning curve that both Liam and Hope have to adjust to as they track down the other vampires.

In the penultimate issue of this refreshing vampire tale, writer Jay Faerber takes the time to develop his leads as they deal with the reality of her craving for blood. It’s good to see this deliberate approach to adding some depth to Liam and Hope and reinforce their love for one another. It would have been easy to bypass this part and just go to the next set piece fighting a crew of vampires again or making Hope a vicious antagonist.

The couple actually work together to try and learn about this terrible affliction cast upon Hope. Understandably, they’re seeking answers and after consulting with a local occultist the two get to some quite impressive detective work to find the leader of the vampire crew. Their collaborative relationship is refreshing to see and not dependent on the man to find all the clues. This chemistry will surely play out as we head to the conclusion in issue four.

Once again, Fran Bueno provides a beautifully rendered world with clear, sharp lines and shadows that accentuate facial expressions. The club scene is especially well executed with a crowded dance floor and flood of colors. It makes us excited to see what the eventual confrontation in the next issue will look like.

Graveyard Shift #3 finds new ways to reinvigorate the vampire genre without stooping to cheap tricks or theatrics. At its center, it’s about Liam and Hope and this disease of vampirism. Along with Bueno’s wonderful art this miniseries has proven that a vampire story can be exciting, smart and enjoyable.

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