retro-bit’s Sega Genesis and Saturn Controllers Rock!

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The amazing team of retro-focused folks over at retro-bit have supplied us with two super cool retro controllers that work really well with Steam. I have two controllers that we’ve tested: Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn. Overall I found them to be excellent controllers with an easy setup process.
I wouldn’t change much about these controllers. They are retro and they work!

The boxes stand out with their retro inspiration. Just seeing the Sega seal of quality brings back so many memories. I was a Nintendo kid growing up so I had to visit my friends in order to play the Genesis. These controllers are black with the standard 6 button layout plus left and right triggers. The included USB cord is pleasantly long so you can sit several feet from your PC. All of my testing was on PC with Steam games. There is a convenient Sega Genesis collection for $29.99 that I purchased.

Setup was straightforward: connect either controller to your PC via USB, and then right click on the Sega collection in your Steam library and select a controller profile that suits your needs. You can also build your own if you’re up for it. The Steam wizard is easy enough to manipulate.

I wouldn’t change much about these controllers. They are retro and they work!

Since they’re both similar controllers it may be difficult to choose between them. Personally I prefer the Saturn controller. Button presses took a little more effort, which feels better to me while gaming. But really, you can’t go wrong with either one. If you’re feeling nostalgic, head over to retro-bit’s website to learn more.

By Tech Adventure

Joe was born and raised in Portland, OR. As an illegitimate son of Zeus, Joe sometimes struggles with his humanity vs. his divinity. As a self proclaimed “health-nut” Joe drinks half his weight in protein shakes a day, and it is not uncommon for him to run for days, sometimes covering hundreds of miles.

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