Return to 1602 with Angela during Secret Wars!

Mar 17, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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Within the many countries of Battleworld lies King James’ England, where 1602: Witch Hunter Angela takes place. The series will be co-written by Kieron Gillen and Marguerite Bennett, writers of the current Angela series and drawn by Stephanie Hans.

Bennett revealed that Angela and her traveling companion, Sera will be on a holy mission to hunt down the witchbreed, this universe’s analog to mutants in the regular universe. There will also be new characters that the original 2003 series by Neil Gaiman never touched.

“I’m a huge fan of Neil Gaiman and the original run, but we really didn’t want to just retread something that was already very beloved, we wanted to go out and explore the furthest corners of that universe.

Bennett said, and spoke about plans for 1602’s Bucky Barnes and Guardians of the Galaxy within the pages of this new series.

One of the topics brought up was Sera, Angela’s friend and companion. Recently it was revealed in the current series that Sera is a trans woman and Bennett spoke of that, saying:

“There are a number of historical monks who were women and people who were allowed to live healthy trans lives in these halls of higher learning. These orders of monks were mostly responsible for the preservation of art and literature. It’s funny that these halls of learning and highly sequestered gender roles are the best place to find lots of trans people throughout history.”

She also said that we will be getting different angles on Angela and Sera’s relationship throughout this series. Below is an alternative cover and sketches of Angela’s new armor.

Secret Wars begins this May.