Rikativity Is Voluptuous and Villainous With Her Cosplay Art

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Name: Rika / Rikativity

Location: Florida Panhandle

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rikativity

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rikativity

Photographer(s): Emerald Coast Cosplay, Broken Skulls Productions and Cosplay by TJP Media

What was your first Cosplay experience?
A good friend of mine invited me to my first convention (Katsucon 2009) and mentioned that lots of people dressed up as their favorite characters. I loved wearing costumes for Halloween, and leapt at the opportunity to do so during another time of the year.
Repurposing a black catsuit, sunglasses, and curling my hair, I put together Julia from Cowboy Bebop. I even contacted a photographer on the convention’s forums and did a little photoshoot. Needless to say; I was hooked.

How long have you been Cosplaying?
I cosplayed somewhat casually from 2009-2011, then took a break when I moved to Florida. I got back into cosplay and conventions in late 2012, and ever since then it’s become a strong passion of mine.

Who or what inspired you to take up Cosplaying?
To me, cosplay is firstly about love of the characters. We’re lucky to have so many great characters and stories nowadays which provide limitless inspiration. The motivation to continue through the tough and annoying parts of construction comes from my friends and the wonderfully supportive cosplay community.

If you had to pick a favorite Cosplay you have worn, or have seen someone else wear, what would it be?
Of my cosplays, my current favorite is Valentine from Skullgirls. Building it was a big stepping stone for my cosplay skills, and the character is a fantastic mix of unnerving and alluring.
There are so many other amazing cosplayers that make such incredible costumes, it’s impossible to choose a favorite. But my favorite trait in a cosplayer is an obvious love of the character. That enthusiasm leads to a dedication that brings any costume to the next level.

If you had unlimited funds and resources, what Cosplay would you create?
My “Cosplay Bucket List” is quite long, lol. Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers is one I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, as well as Morgana from League of Legends and Alice from the “Mad T Party” show at Disneyland.

What advice would you offer to those who are aspiring Cosplayers?
Cosplay doesn’t have to be created from scratch, especially at the start. You’d be surprised with what you can find and alter for a costume. Buying a base piece and altering it to fit the character can definitely be a great start to a costume.
Also, it might sound silly, but practice your poses in front of a mirror, especially during a pre-con costume test. You’ll find what angles and expressions best bring the character to life, and it’ll be quicker and easier to jump into a cool pose when you’re stopped for a hallway photo.
And lastly, because it can’t be said enough times, cosplay for yourself. Create what makes you happy. 🙂

To learn more about Rikativity, follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rikativity1 and check out her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Rikativity

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks With Wives, please email Casey at gwwcapescrew@gmail.com!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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