Ryan Reynolds Still Wants Hugh Jackman In A Wolverine/Deadpool Crossover Film; Could Omega Red Unite Them?

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Even with Deadpool 2 on the horizon, Ryan Reynolds still wants a Deadpool and Wolverine crossover.

While speaking to Entertainment Weekly Ryan seems hellbent on trying to convince Hugh Jackman to put on the claws one more time for a possible Wolverine/Deadpool movie.

“I want Deadpool and Wolverine in a movie together. What we’re gonna have to do is convince Hugh. If anything, I’m going to need to do what I can to get my internet friends back on board to help rally another cause down the line.”

It’s unlikely that Jackman would be able to reach an agreement for Deadpool 2, considering they want to keep the budget minimal a crossover seems extremely unlikely. However, we do know Fox is keen on an X-Force focused Deadpool 3 and giving the team it’s own spin-off film.

We all remember Wolverine being a full-fledged member of the X-Force in more recent incarnations, so it’s not entirely out of the question.

X-Force could be where we finally see him in the costume/cowl and letting lose like he will in James Mangold’s Logan. Then again, Hugh sounds confident that Logan will be his last outing as Wolverine and will retire the character. Even though in previous interviews he’s stated a desire to play Wolverine until he died.

As far as we know Donald Pierce, The Reavers and Dr. Zander Rice are the big villains of the Logan leaving one other major baddie left off the screen. There very well could be some Wolverine material left on the ground to explore if Mangold’s Logan indeed overlooks his biggest threat.

That being Russian villain Omega Red.

Deadpool has already left the door open for Red to show-up in sequels via the rebooted Colossus being clearly Russian and Ajax’s frustrated Russian military client collecting mutant slaves. Giving a couple of entry points to establish the overpowered vampiric cyborg mob hit-man and former Russian super-soldier experiment.

Not to mention James Mangold already hinting towards him in The Wolverine with the tiny tentacled robots.

He’s the type of over the top villain that could lead to a partnership between Wade and Logan.

Almost a year ago while promoting Eddie The Eagle Hugh spoke to Yahoo!, it quickly turned to talk of a on screen reunion between Wolverine and Deadpool. Hugh alludes to someone else playing the role, as he previously stated Mad Max‘s Tom Hardy being his pick to replace him.

“I’ve never thought about it till now, but doing something with Ryan – he’s awesome – that’s always attractive to me. But I think you’ve probably got several other people lined up to play [Wolverine].”

“I don’t really count the numbers but I certainly am amazed at 17 years of playing this character, which I love, obviously,” he said. “And it’s been the backbone of my career, and I am ridiculously grateful to the fans and I am really taking this last one so seriously. I’ve never worked as hard on one as this, and I really leave it on a high. Not just for me, but for all the fans. It’s kind of amazing, no one really saw all this coming.”

These were of course quotes before he had even started shooting Logan.

As a fan of both characters I’d be totally up for a crossover film, but I think it really comes down to Ryan and 20th Century Fox being able to convince Jackman. We’ll likely start hearing more of Hugh’s comments on a crossover when the Logan press tour kicks in the new year.

He seemed a lot more open to the idea back in 2015 via MTV.


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