Seven Secrets # 1 (REVIEW)

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Secrets, Truths, Lies. I suppose that would be a philosophers take on societies popular game “Marry/Date, F$@!, Pass”. They both play out much the same way. We tell ourselves lies. To protect ourselves from the truths. Finally, those truths should lead us to the secret. Not very much has been illuminated after Seven Secrets # 1. What has been brought to light has me intrigued.

Seven Secrets #1
Boom Studios

Written by: Tom Taylor
Illustrated by: Danielle Di Nicuolo
Colored by: Walter Baiamonte Color Assistance by: Katai Ranalli
Lettered by: Ed Dukeshire


Boom Studios, Seven Secrets # 1 does little to hide that this is an action comic. Danielle Di Nicuolo and Walter Baiamonte introduce us to how the revelations will be presented from the opening pages. Violently and with guns and blades. I can hear the opening chords of “Hazy Shade of Winter” as the images of blood covered snow signify that someone has been denied something they want for far too long. This panel wasn’t completely dark and confusing instead it utilized a bright palette. This allows the visual impact of what occurs to be more intense. The artistic team carries this technique throughout the issue which I like. For a book about secrets seeing things in the right light is important.

Just a Peak

After a brief glimpse of aftermath of the narrators current situation we are first introduced to his parents. Eva and Sigurd find themselves about to suffer the same fate as the individuals on the opening panel. Action fluidly melds with narration as we begin to understand the significance of Sigurd and Eva to the narrator, let’s call him Casper. The group that protects the secrets seems to be an interesting mix of medieval hierarchy and modern hardware. Groups like this make you question if they adhering to the past or influencing the future.

Issue # 1 of Secret Seven reveals a few secrets for the reader. We learn the name of the aggressor from the opening pages. The consequences of boredom and drunkenness, which really isn’t a secret to anybody. That there is a secret connection between Casper, Sigurd and Eva. That secret seems to be where most of the lies begin.

Score 8.7

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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