Are You Space Monkey Material? A “Fight Club 2 #1” REVIEW

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Fight Club 2 #1
Dark Horse Comics

Written By: Chuck Palahniuk
Art By: Cameron Stewart

It has been more than a decade since we last saw this “everyman” having a manic meltdown. This comic picks up the story of “Sebastian” some ten years after “Project Mayhem”. For fans of the original novel or the movie, there are a lot of similarities in themes right from page one. The narrator and Marla have gotten married, and have a little kid together, and have seemingly moved on from the psychotic breakdown, the imaginary friend “Tyler” as well as all the Fight Clubs. The narrator may have moved on from “Tyler”, he can deny who he was all he wants, but people with beaten and broken faces still treat him with the utmost respect.

Just as the 1999 film changed the way movies were filmed from a visual perspective, this comic is trying to change how the mind perceives a comic. Interlacing the material items of the comic on top of the panels makes it feel as though this is real and physically happening, with pills and roses being placed on pages, and covering up what the narrator is thinking. Just as the original story can be interpreted in many ways, I can already see several points here that can be used as topical pieces for essays. The art and coloring of this comic lets the story remain the main focus, while still having panels, and scenes that graphically show that history repeats and “Sebastian” may not totally be in control of his life (Marla hasn’t been helping him with this either).

Knowing the plot, ending and spoilers from the first script, I found myself combing each panel, lettering and illustrations for clues to the endgame or twists that might be ahead. Instead, everything looks like it is straight forward and events are unraveling like you would expect. If you have doubts about this being as good as the original story, you can feel safe in knowing Tyler has been causing mayhem for 50 minutes a day, three days a week for the past ten years. Again, there is a lot to sit and philosophize over from the placebo pills the narrator has been taking, or was Tyler the result of a breakdown stemming from the need to escape? From what I read in issue one, I need to know how Chuck Palahniuk will continue this cult classic.

By Cory Anderson

Born in Boston MA, raised in NH. Fully functioning adult who happens to read any and every comic under the (yellow)sun. Of course there are the favorite comics I must read when they're released, but any comic is fair game in my eyes. Of course my love for pop culture doesn't end with comics, but branches out to movies, toys, video games and most importantly Dungeons and Dragons (which I withheld this last hobby from my Fiancée until she said "Yes"). Point of Origin for my nerdy condition may have been in '93 when I got slimed at Nickelodeon(now closed), and a teenage accident or two(collapsed lungs) landing me in the hospital around the same time the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies started coming out. When my dad stopped at the local comic store and brought me the essential comics for Spiderman and the X-Men, I stood no chance. (Which also created a secret aspiration to start a fundraiser of sorts to bring comic books to kids in hospitals to keep their spirits up(nothing has come of this to date)) Add in a heavy dose of trip to Disney World, upcoming Disney themed wedding and a career aspiration to become a Disney Imagineer, I think it's safe to say I never want to grow up. Xbox Live Gamertag: AllusiveReaper7 (If you notice my xbox achievement score, you might assume I game a bit) Twitter: @AllusiveReaper7 Recent comic addictions(Non "Big Two"): Saga, Crossed, Coffin Hill, Rat Queens, Pathfinder and Rover Red Charlie Collects: Old Comics (Green Lama), Miniatures (D&D, Heroclix, Star Wars), Action Figures preferably 90s and older, and comic book themed hats Systems Owned: NES (though it was my sister's), Game Boy(The gray brick), Sega Genesis, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Game Boy Advanced, Nintendo DS, Xbox, Xbox360, Wii, Xbox One, Junk PC

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