Spider-Man 2099 #1 (Review)

Dec 11, 2019

Mad Cave Studios


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Spider-Man 2099 #1
Marvel Comics

Written by: Nick Spencer
Art by: Ze Carlos
Colors by: Brian Reber and Andrew Crossley
Letters by: Cory Petit


Miguel O’Hara will discover something is very wrong with his world.

Constantly waking from nightmares and needing more and more hits of Rapture to endure, Miguel’s life and world are spiraling. He doesn’t know what it wrong, only that something definitely is. Everything from his personal life to his work at Alchemax seems wrong and when he decides to quit his job, he discovers that this world only gets worse for those that leave the safety and comfort of Alchemax.

Clashing with everyone, including his brother, Miguel will continue to have nightmares about a spider creature he encountered in the mission that drove him from the company and that creature will push him towards a destiny he doesn’t understand and a future that’s lost.

For a first issue, this one hits all the marks to both establish the character and the conflict to overcome. Nick Spencer does a great job of bringing this world to life and showcasing how different it is along with the flashes of what things have changed for the character. It is interesting to see where all the cracks in Miguel’s understanding lie and Spencer does a good job of laying out bread crumbs for the reader to find.

Carlos’ art makes this world come to life brilliantly with awesome visuals. This first issue dealt mainly with the technology and scope of the world, but hopefully the action will heat up and utilize these impressive environments.