Here’s How HUGH JACKMAN Could Cameo In Avengers Endgame

Many people would love to see Hugh Jackman appear in Avengers 4 Endgame as Wolverine, and there have been a ton of news and rumors going around giving people hope it can happen. Not only will I cover those rumors, but I’ll also give you my own theory as to how I think Hugh Jackman… Continue reading Here’s How HUGH JACKMAN Could Cameo In Avengers Endgame

Did We All Miss the BIGGEST Lie from the Avengers Endgame Trailer?

Could it be that the Russo Brothers have slipped yet another bit of misdirection right under our noses in the Avengers Endgame trailer? We all know that they are on a mission to purposely mislead us to prevent any spoilers for Avengers Endgame. In the Avengers Infinity War trailer, they fooled us all by using… Continue reading Did We All Miss the BIGGEST Lie from the Avengers Endgame Trailer?

Avengers 4 Rematch! Stormbreaker VS Infinity Gauntlet

Stormbreaker vs the Infinity Gauntlet originally seemed like an open and shut case. People assumed one was more powerful than the other. However, the Russo brothers held a Q&A recently and gave an interesting answer as to which weapon is truly more powerful. Based on their answer, I thought about what would happen if Stormbreaker… Continue reading Avengers 4 Rematch! Stormbreaker VS Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers 4: Two Characters Who May Be A Greater Threat Than Thanos

Rumors have been circulating online that a new threat could be coming in Avengers 4. Due to some Avengers 4 leaked merchandise, a new rumor suggests that we may see an even greater threat than Thanos in Avengers 4. In this video, I’m going to narrow down the two most likely candidates that could be… Continue reading Avengers 4: Two Characters Who May Be A Greater Threat Than Thanos

Nerds Who Get Laid, Sometimes – Ep. 241: That Swamp Thang and the Mystery of the Nipple Penis

This week on the most exciting episode of NWGLS since… the last episode of NWGLS. The nerds discuss the new Deadwood film, and what this could mean for a decade old story, they give their opinions on the new shows coming to Disney+, and talk about the current run time of Avengers 4. As if… Continue reading Nerds Who Get Laid, Sometimes – Ep. 241: That Swamp Thang and the Mystery of the Nipple Penis

Marvel Studios Hires Writer For ‘Falcon and Bucky’ Team-Up Limited Streaming Series

It was recently revealed that Marvel Studios would be getting into the limited series business for Disney’s upcoming streaming service. The two projects originally mentioned would focus on established characters Loki and Scarlet Witch. Today, it’s been announced by Variety that Marvel has hired Empire writer Malcolm Spellman to a pen a third series that… Continue reading Marvel Studios Hires Writer For ‘Falcon and Bucky’ Team-Up Limited Streaming Series

Avengers 4 Prediction: Captain America Can NOW Lift Thor’s Hammer

An Avengers 4 rumor says that Captain America will lift Thor’s hammer (Mjolnir) IF time travel happens in Avengers 4. However, as we’ve seen in Avengers Age of Ultron, Captain America was not worthy enough to lift Mjolnir. Today I’m going to explain my original theory as to why Captain America will now be able… Continue reading Avengers 4 Prediction: Captain America Can NOW Lift Thor’s Hammer

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