In this REVIEW of Legends of Tomorrow's mid season premiere we are catching up with the Legends as the search for Captain Rip Hunter is on. We also drop...

The Hunt For Rip Continues in Legends of Tomorrow 2X09 REVIEW
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In this REVIEW of Legends of Tomorrow's mid season premiere we are catching up with the Legends as the search for Captain Rip Hunter is on. We also drop...
The views of a new CW/DC Comic TV show viewer. Spoilers will follow. With a short recap for Pilot Part 1 we are reminded that the characters are still in...
Aired January 21st, 2016 This series is my initiation into the Legends of Flarrow (CW DC) universe, so it's your mission to comment on the easter eggs I...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.