Another Dragon Con has come and gone, and for the second straight year, I was there to see it. Cosplayers, celebs, the parade, crazy long lines, friends,...
DragonCon Articles
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One For The Road: Looking Back on DragonCon
It's been a week since my last day at DragonCon. Somehow, even though it's been a week, I'm still exhausted. Cons will take a lot out of you, especially...
CK’s DragonCon Diary: Day 3 Parades, Panels and The Flash!
If you can only make it to one day of DragonCon, make it Saturday. During the newbie tour on Saturday, someone mentioned that attendees always seem to...
CK’s DragonCon Diary: Day 2 Controlled Choas
There's a lot going on here, y'all. Yet somehow, DragonCon is more manageable than I expected. The couple of times I mentioned this was my first con,...
CK’s DragonCon Diary: Day One It Begins
Fun fact: Years ago, I thought DragonCon was only a convention for fans of The Dragonriders of Pern. Surprise, surprise. I mentioned making my Very First...