The 100 returns with old Ark ghost stories, an abandoned town, and forgotten foes to scare viewers in “Demons.” After saving Raven (Lindsey Morgan) in...
The 100 3×12: My Five Haunting Points
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The 100 returns with old Ark ghost stories, an abandoned town, and forgotten foes to scare viewers in “Demons.” After saving Raven (Lindsey Morgan) in...
Arakadia has fallen, Bellarke reunites, and we finally have our ragtag crew back together; only they are on the run from a very merciless A.L.I.E. (Erica...
The 100 “Terms and Conditions” is a self-contained political thriller stuffed with ultimatums, betrayals, and self reflection on past survival choices. “I...
The 100 “Thirteen” begins on Ascension day, loops back around to the first Unity day, and ends with one shocking grounder ritual. Titus (Neil Sanilands)...
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