“Gift? He shunned me. He vilified me. He made me a torturer. Can you even begin to fathom what it was like? Eons… spent providing a place for dead mortals...
FOX TV Articles
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Lucifer Resummoned: Manly Whatnots (1×04)
"So no horns?" - Chloe "No. Afraid not. That's the stuff of movies and TV... They always get it wrong." - Lucifer I'm beginning to think even more each...
Lucifer Resummoned: The Would-Be Prince of Darkness (1×03)
I think after three episodes, I can safely say that Lucifer is now my favorite new show of 2016. Honestly, with each new episode, I’m getting drawn in...
Lucifer Resummoned: Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil (1×02)
"It's not like God sent his favorite son to reign over hell before is it? Oh wait sorry! Forgot." - Lucifer So I’ve been waiting for months to see a new...
Lucifer Resummoned: Pilot (1×01)
So last August I was a bad boy and got to see the leaked pilot episode for Lucifer which premiered finally last night on FOX. I immediately was hooked on...