Standing among all the zombies, dragons, and comic bookâadapted television shows stands 12 Monkeys. A post-apocalyptic time-traveling drama that...
“12 Monkeys” and Splintering through the SyFy Stigma
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Standing among all the zombies, dragons, and comic bookâadapted television shows stands 12 Monkeys. A post-apocalyptic time-traveling drama that...
Join us on this new "season" of Scene N Nerd, season 4 aka the Sans-Pete season, where we'll be talking TV and Movies and anything else we find to watch...
SNN is back and just in time for the weekend! This week Pete and Sarah are joined by Orie Enav and he's telling us and YOU all about DragonFruit. A new...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.