**Please note: we are not in the business of spoiling games. Everything discuss herein has been public knowledge since prior to release. If you are on a...
games Articles
Review: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is short and brutal. As I completed my first play through of the main campaign – clocking in at just a hair under two...
Review: Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PS4)
When Dead Nation originally released for the PlayStation 3 back in late 2010, I didn't play it. Later, when it went free on PlayStation Plus, I...
Impressions: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
More than just a pretty face... In 2013 when I played Tomb Raider on the Xbox 360, it’s fair to say, I was engrossed from start to finish. Crystal...
Impression: Elder Scrolls Online (Beta)
Quick math: [(12 months x $15) + $60] = $240. That's the cost of playing The Elder Scrolls Online on your Xbox One this coming June. Both Xbox Live Gold...
Impression: Project Spark
Cam previews Project Spark on PC.
Impressions: OlliOlli: Painfully Fun
OlliOlli is a 2D skateboarding game developed by Indie Game Developer, Roll 7 released exclusively for PlayStation Vita. The easiest way to...
Review: PlayStation 4
What an incredible thing it is to stand in the future and reflect upon the past. So much has changed: our world, our habits, ourselves. Now,...
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time….For a Second Look
On August 15th, 2013, I begged for the privilege to review Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time. I loved PvZ1 so much that I beat the game multiple...
Review: Beyond Two Souls
This has to be one of the hardest reviews I've ever had to write. Mostly because I’m still unsure how I personally feel about this game. Some things...
Review: Killzone Mercenary
Killzone Mercenary is yet another attempt to bring a playable, console-like FPS to the PS Vita. Those who have tried in the past have failed miserably,...
Review: Dragon’s Crown
This review is based on the PlayStation Vita version of Dragon’s Crown.