The third installment of the Max Payne series is by far the best. Rockstar Games has once again proven they know how to deliver an engaging story right in...
games Articles
Sony Adds More “Free” Games to PSN+
Update: Sony just confirmed it has added Deus Ex: Human Revolution to the list. Download it now! Sony today announced the release of 3 title to the...
Breaking: Sony buys gaming streaming service Gaikai for $380 million
Sony announced this morning intent to purchase Gaikai for $380 million. The goal for Sony is to establish a "new cloud service." This will bring 1st and...
iOS Memorial Day Sale
Lots of goodies to be had! Universal Apps (iPad, iPhone, iPad) Grand Theft Auto 3 for iPad, iPhone, iPod, regular 99 cents, regular $4.99 Infinity Blade...
Epic Review: Diablo 3 – Return to Sanctuary
Geeks with Wives was at the launch party yesterday, May 15th, among the crazed fans awaiting a trip back to Tristram and the world of Sanctuary, over a...
D3 Update
Why doesn’t anyone ever listen? – Deckard Cain – Diablo
Diablo Goodness
It is finally here, the release of the most anticipated game of all time! Ok maybe that is an overstatement, but its huge! If you have been listening to...
Minecraft: Platform with eternal possibilities
Stunning video’s of Terra, Narshe, The Opera House and many other memorable locales from Final Fantasy VI!! Minecraft truly provides an amazing tool, thanks go to Felix Trapper for his amazing work! But where is Ultros :)?
Review: Legend of Grimrock
Legend of Grimrock breathes new life into an old genre. It’s fun and has plenty of replay value. The future capabilities are great as well. Moders can create new dungeons, characters, and items. For $14.99, this is a steal.
Diablo 3 Beta: Quick Look
As I sat down at my desk to play the Diablo 3 beta, I took a moment to reflect. Many of things have changed in my life since Diablo II was released. I...
Review: Army Corps of Hell
The second game I've experienced on the Vita is Army Corps of Hell. A pretty game that is unique in many ways. It's part castle-defense, part...
Review: The Darkness II
I don't know where to begin. The Darkness II is fun to play, the story isn't too off-the-wall, and it looks good. But something is missing. It's not easy...