Pt. 1 w/ Charlie Stickney (@CharlesStickney)-- @ScoutComics co-publisher. We talk kickstarters, White Ash and writing Spongebob Squarepants! Heh Heh!...
geekopedia Articles
GeekOPedia: Eric Palicki pt 2.
Pt. 2: A goat ate through my microphone wire, but you can still hear Palicki unpack comics writing for comics-- kickstarters, self-publishing and Ahoy's...
GeekOPedia: Eric Palicki Pt. 1
Eric Palicki (@ericpalicki) talks writing comics, editing projects and the upcoming Black's Myth with Ahoy Comics!...
GeekOPedia: Nottingham Launch
Jay speaks to David Hazan, writer of @MadCaveStudios twisted medieval noir: Nottingham!...
GeekOPedia: Ep. 100 w/ Rodney Barnes pt. 2
Celebrate our 100th Episode with part two of Rodney Barnes exclusive interview. How did he go from living in a car to celebrated author, producer and...
GeekoPedia: Tom Peyer 2
Part 2 with Tom Peyer. This industry veteran was a long-running writer on DC's Legion of Super-Heroes, a founding editor at their...
GeekOPedia: Tom Peyer Part 1
This industry veteran was a long-running writer on DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes, a founding editor at their Vertigo imprint, and the proud writer of...