Jupiter’s Legacy Volume 2 #4 Image Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Frank Quitely Colors: Sonny Gho I should be doubled over in pain after reading this issue....

Jupiter’s Legacy Volume 2 #4 Image Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Frank Quitely Colors: Sonny Gho I should be doubled over in pain after reading this issue....
Standing among all the zombies, dragons, and comic book–adapted television shows stands 12 Monkeys. A post-apocalyptic time-traveling drama that...
Welcome to an all new season! Scene 'N Nerd is now proudly partnered with GWW Radio. Today, Pete, Matt, Sarah, and Casey are joined by Everett Harn,...
Neverboy #5 Dark Horse Writer: Shaun Simon Art: Tyler Jenkins Colors: Kelly Fitzpatrick Neverboy #5. This is a tough hop-on if you have not been reading...
Recently, a couple friends and I met up at a local 24-hour diner. This isn't uncommon, as we are all into our 30s and have no interest in going to bars....
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.