Who is NO/ONE? You won't get that answer in the first issue of Kyle Higgins' latest installment to the Massive-Verse. However, you will get the start of a...
Image Comics Articles
Rogue Sun #11 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
Rogue Sun #11 may be the title's most impressive issue yet. While Ryan Parrott hasn't worked with the same artist from issue to issue, this book continues...
Phantom Road: Image Comics Review
Lemire and Walta unite. The creatives behind Sentient, and two of the best in the business bring us Mad Max via supernatural fantasy. But does Phantom...
Killadelphia #28 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
In what has already been a wild arc, Killadelphia #28 may be the title's craziest issue yet. Major players from Rodney Barnes and Jason Shawn Alexander's...
The Last Barbarians #1: Image Comics Review
The Last Barbarians focuses on the misfit siblings of Sylv and her brother Shadow. With things looking grim, they are desperate for work and are almost...
The Dead Lucky #6 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
The first arc of The Dead Lucky comes to a close this week! The title's first big-time battle comes to an end this issue, and there are serious...
Monarch #1: Image Comics REVIEW
Monarch takes place in one of America's most conflicted cities Compton. In a new series from acclaimed writer Rodney Barnes and highly talented new artist...
Vanish #4 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
Vanish has quickly become one of the most compelling stories in all of comics — not just on the indie scene. The fourth chapter of Donny Cates and Ryan...
Radiant Black #20 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
Radiant Black #20 from Image Comics hit shelves this week! The guys from GWW Radio's TLDR Comic Book Club podcast — Joe Gilmore and Nick Friar — dug into...
All Against All #1 (Image Comic Review)
Earth is Long Gone Sophisticated Sci-Fi. It's not easy to do, but even more critical its not easy to do well. More often than not sci-fi can be about...
If You Give A Machine A Candle
The exploration of the emotional well being of robots has been seen in science fiction for much of the genre's existence. With a certain cybernetics cries...
The Dead Lucky #4 from Image Comics: 2-Minute Review
The Dead Lucky #4 from Image Comics hit shelves this week! The guys from GWW Radio's TLDR Comic Book Club — Joe Gilmore and Nick Friar — dug into the...