The long-gestating video game adaptation 'Just Cause' enlists Derek Kolstad to write the screenplay for the feature film. Kolstad is prominent for writing...
‘Just Cause’ Feature Film Enlists Writer Derek Kolstad (‘John Wick’)
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The long-gestating video game adaptation 'Just Cause' enlists Derek Kolstad to write the screenplay for the feature film. Kolstad is prominent for writing...
This week on NWGLS the nerds discuss Video Games, and E3… so many video games. They discuss the future of DC Entertainment, DR Sleep, Captain Marvel, as...
I've just received a 4K slap to the face and it came in the form of the latest Just Cause 3 trailer from Avalanche Studios. Sure, looks aren't everything,...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.