It's Thursday people! Time for another madcap episode. Chris and Amanda Garrett will be on tonight, to talk about not One but TWO amazing comics and there...
podcast Articles
Geeks On Screen: Trailer Cast 1
We try something a bit different this time since we were off for the regular podcast schedule. Everett and Wayne sit down and watch a few movie trailers...
Games Podcast: 178 | Steam 3D Headset, Star Citizen
We discuss Connor's return to Destiny after being away for a bit. The unreal engine becoming free. The newly announced Steam 3D headset and Start...
Games Podcast: 177 | The Order
We introduce Nathan and Erin, discuss The Order and game length controversies, and whether or not port strikes on the west coast can be blamed for Andrew...
Geeks On Screen: 7 | Comic Book Movies/TV Shows
A geeky podcast where we talk movies/tv! This episodes main topic is casting! Follow us on Twitter @GeeksOnScreen! You can also follow the whole Geeks...
Comics Podcast: 80 | The Dead…It’s not a Zombie Comic
It's Thursday night and the gang is all here. Tonight we are joined by the incredible James Maddox. Indie comic writer of the book "The Dead" and numerous...
Geeks On Screen: 6 | Casting
A geeky podcast where we talk movies/tv! This episodes main topic is casting! Follow us on Twitter @GeeksOnScreen! You can also follow the whole Geeks...
Comics Podcast: 79 | Spider-Man Is Home
This week its just our capes crew founders Will and Casey as they discuss the biggest news in comic books this week Spider-Man joining the Marvel...
Games Podcast: 175 | The New Sheriff in Town
After 3+ years of hosting the show, Joe has passed the mic to The Man Who Never Stops Talking, Mikhail Shyluger. Don't worry, Joe will be back from time...
Geeks on Screen: 5 | Reboots/Remakes
The guys talk about movie reboots and remakes. Read the companion article here and share your thoughts.
GWW & Capes Podcast: 78 | Josh Trujillo
Tonight we are joined by Josh Trujillo. He will be with us to talk about his Kickstarter project, Death Saves: Fallen Heroes of the Kitchen Table. Josh is...
Geeks on Screen: 4 | Heroes & Villains
Geeks On Screen Episode 4 - Heroes & Villains - YouTube This week the Geeks talk about what they watched this week, a ton of news and the main topis...