Preview these teasers from Marvel NOW!

The next phase of the Marvel Universe is around the corner and readers will get their first taste at 12:00 AM your local time on July 13th! To celebrate the dual release of the MARVEL NOW! PREVIEWS MAGAZINE and the blockbuster CIVIL WAR II #3 – Marvel has announced a midnight release for these two… Continue reading Preview these teasers from Marvel NOW!

Thor: Ragnarok adds Karl Urban, Tessa Thompson, Jeff Goldblum and Cate Blanchett to the cast

Marvel has revealed the latest casting announcements for Thor: Ragnarok. The film already had an impressive ensemble including Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Idris Elba (Heimdall), Sir Anthony Hopkins (Odin), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) and of course, Chris Hemsworth (Thor) all reprising their roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “Two-time Oscar®-winner Cate Blanchett (“Blue Jasmine,” “Carol, “Cinderella”) joins… Continue reading Thor: Ragnarok adds Karl Urban, Tessa Thompson, Jeff Goldblum and Cate Blanchett to the cast

Confirmed Epic Podcast #45: Captain America Civil War

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War..Black Panther/T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..? Marvel 2016

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] In episode #45 of the confirmed epic podcast Brad, Andrew, and Jerry (Barbecue17) come together to discuss one of their most anticipated films of all time: Captain America Civil War. As always we get into a brief what we have been checking out as well as an epic… Continue reading Confirmed Epic Podcast #45: Captain America Civil War

“Superheroes Vs. People with Powers”, and what exactly should DC Rebirth be?

In a recent conversation with one my best friends and co-host of the confirmed epic podcast: Andrew Stokes, we begin to get into to a discussion/debate over the differences of Marvel and DC, both in the comics and film mediums. A discussion ignited due to Zack Snyder’s Polarizing film: Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice, and the… Continue reading “Superheroes Vs. People with Powers”, and what exactly should DC Rebirth be?

(Possible Spoilers) Thor Isn’t The Only One Headed To Hel in Thor: Ragnarok

As Marvel’s phase 3 ramps up, they know they need to raise the stakes across all their solo films. We have already heard rumors of a character death on the set of Captain America: Civil War, but now thanks to Latino Review, we may have to mourn another fan favorite in Thor: Ragnarok. As Marvel’s… Continue reading (Possible Spoilers) Thor Isn’t The Only One Headed To Hel in Thor: Ragnarok

SPOILER! Here Is How the Hulk Factors Into “Thor: Ragnarok”

**Possible Spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok  We are getting a ton of information from lately concerning Marvel’s next big movies. Of course these are all just rumors for now, so take them with a grain of salt. The latest rumor, however, is something we have heard that has been stewing for a while over at Marvel, and that’s… Continue reading SPOILER! Here Is How the Hulk Factors Into “Thor: Ragnarok”

(Possible Spoilers!) Thor: Ragnarok Finds A Hellish Villain is at it again as they have seemingly uncovered who will be tormenting Thor and crew in Thor: Ragnarok. The site claims to have a solid source that says Hela, ruler of Hel and Niflheim will be the big bad in Thor: Ragnorak. This rumor seems to line of with another one in which… Continue reading (Possible Spoilers!) Thor: Ragnarok Finds A Hellish Villain

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