Last week was the week of all trailers. No joke. "Ant-Man," "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," "Fantastic Four" and...
tv series Articles
Daredevil Renewed for Second Season
It's official. Marvel's first Defender and the Man Without Fear "Daredevil" has been renewed for a second season on Netflix. Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez...
Geeks On Screen Episode 13 – Book Adaptations
Geeks On Screen is a Geeks With Wives podcast where we talk about movies and TV shows. This weeks main topic is Book Adaptations! We also cover Daredevil,...
Geeks On Screen Podcast: Episode 12 – Cars & Racing Movies & TV Shows
Geeks On Screen is a Geeks With Wives podcast that is all about movies and tv shows! In this episode Everett, Brad & Tommy talk What they weekly...
Geeks On Screen Episode 11 – Animated Movies/Shows
Geeks On Screen is a Geeks With Wives podcast that is all about movies and tv shows! In this episode we talk about all things Animated! Whether it be 3D...
VIDEO: Geeks On Screen: Trailer Cast 5
We're back to do a new trailer cast! Everett and Wayne sit down and watch 4 new movie trailers that they mostly hadn't seen before and give their...
The Flash Reverse – Episode 16: Rogue Time (Spoilers)
After delivering to audiences an episode that pushed the boundaries of superhero television last week in “Out of time”, you had to figure that this weeks...
Comics or Film? Marvel vs DC – Choose your side.
There's been many questions over the generations that have divided our opinions and have helped shape the way we think. How did the universe come to be?...
It’s a Grimm Old Life
When you speak of fairy tales, what’s your first thought? Is it an image of Snow White surrounded by the Seven Dwarfs singing songs? Rapunzel throwing her...