“Gift? He shunned me. He vilified me. He made me a torturer. Can you even begin to fathom what it was like? Eons… spent providing a place for dead mortals...
Vertigo Articles
Lucifer Resummoned: Manly Whatnots (1×04)
"So no horns?" - Chloe "No. Afraid not. That's the stuff of movies and TV... They always get it wrong." - Lucifer I'm beginning to think even more each...
Lucifer Resummoned: The Would-Be Prince of Darkness (1×03)
I think after three episodes, I can safely say that Lucifer is now my favorite new show of 2016. Honestly, with each new episode, I’m getting drawn in...
Lucifer Resummoned: Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil (1×02)
"It's not like God sent his favorite son to reign over hell before is it? Oh wait sorry! Forgot." - Lucifer So I’ve been waiting for months to see a new...
Lucifer Resummoned: Pilot (1×01)
So last August I was a bad boy and got to see the leaked pilot episode for Lucifer which premiered finally last night on FOX. I immediately was hooked on...
Prepare for an English Summer. But Not Really – “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Omnibus Edition” (Review)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: the Omnibus Edition Vertigo Writer: Alan Moore Artist: Kevin O'Neill In case the word was not out, the single arc...
A Thrilling, Thought Provoking, Wartime Drama in “Sheriff of Babylon #1” (Review)
Sheriff of Babylon Vertigo Comics Written by: Tom King Art by: Mitch Gerads Writer Tom King and artist Mitch Gerads have brought us a new Vertigo series;...
Asher Powell Gives Us Vertigo at Zappcon (Interview)
GWW sits down with comic creator Asher Powell and we discuss her kickstarter comic Countdown Until Now and her new project with Vertigo Comics all from...
Trench Coats and Continuity, a look back at HeroesCon 2015
This past Saturday June 20th I had the distinct privilege of covering my hometown convention, HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC for GWW, put on by the owner of...
Griffin Cosplay Gets Dark and Dangerous with His Inspired Designs
Name: Steven Griffin City: Dayton, OH Twitter: @GriffinCosplay Facebook: www.facebook.com/griffincosplay What was your first Cosplay Experience?...