The Cosplay of PAX South

Feb 1, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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The second ever PAX South has officially wrapped up and the convention brought gamers from all over the world to celebrate games from Dreadnought to Infinium Strike. The Cosplay featured at PAX South was impressive as well. Characters ranging from Samus Aran to Sith Lords were well represented and we brought you photos of some of our favorites.

I’d also love to mention the group of Links that were wondering around the convention floor. Two of which were kind enough to perform the Song of Storms, first featured in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Some of the cosplayers featured below are: Nick West, Ally Cat Cosplay, Josh Phelan, ViverraCosplay, Drcane, Tori McKenna, RAD and Gogo Incognito.

[Cosplayers, if you see your photo below, send us a message or leave us a comment and we’ll add you as well.]

Check out the full gallery by selecting the left and right arrows below.

If you were at PAX South over the weekend, we would like to hear what was your favorite cosplay in the comments below.