“The Future of Voice Assistants: Emphasizing Cognitive Trust and the Value of Voice Interaction”

Oct 20, 2023


The article explores the future of voice assistants in the era of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies. It discusses Tobias Dengel’s book, “The Sound of the Future,” which emphasizes the importance of cognitive trust in voice assistants and the potential expansion of voice-interactive solutions. The article also highlights the benefits of voice technology, such as speed, safety, knowledge, inclusion, engagement, and transformation. It argues that voice is a convenient and versatile means of communication, and while voice assistants may be replaced by generative AI assistants, voice interaction will remain a valuable user interface.


With the rise of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies, the future of voice assistants is being questioned. Tobias Dengel’s book, “The Sound of the Future,” delves into the role of cognitive trust in voice assistants and the potential for their expansion. This article examines the benefits of voice technology and argues that voice interaction is a natural and efficient means of communication.

Main Points:

– Voice-interactive solutions are gaining popularity, driven by the success of technologies like ChatGPT and Midjourney, which excel in cognitive trust.
– Dengel’s book highlights the benefits of voice technology, including speed, safety, knowledge, inclusion, engagement, and transformation.
– Voice tools are being used in various contexts, from conducting online searches to job-related tasks, leading to quantifiable benefits for businesses.
– Voice interaction is the ultimate user interface, offering convenience, efficiency, and versatility.


While generative AI technologies like ChatGPT may replace traditional voice assistants, voice interaction will continue to be a valuable user interface. The convenience and practicality of voice communication make it a preferred method for interacting with technology. The key factor is ensuring reliability and cognitive trust in the assistants. Dengel’s book reinforces the value of voice technology and clarifies its role as a natural and convenient means of communication in the evolving technological landscape.