The Orville New Beginnings #2 (Review)

Aug 14, 2019

Mad Cave Studios


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The Orville New Beginnings #2
Dark Horse Comics

Written by: David A Goodman
Art by: David Cabeza
Colors by: Michael Atiyeh
Letters by: Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt

Ed and Gordon have found the source of the weapon that brought down their shuttle, but they can’t get to it without offending their hosts who guard it fiercely. The pair must find a way to explore the ship and find out why both the food distributor and the cannon are the only two things still drawing power. When they discover the tragic circumstances that brought the ship down and how its presence affected the natives of the planet, Ed must convince their leader to let them help before the Orville gets close enough to be in weapons range.

At the same time, Kelly is dealing with her feelings for Ed and the presence of the ship’s teacher might prove to be the perfect distraction. When the Orville completes its scans of the area, they go looking for the missing shuttle, not knowing that they are sailing right into harm’s way.

This issue definitely has the look, feel and pacing of an episode of the series and that it both good and bad. The good is that David A Goodman captures the relationships, character interactions and personalities of the crew perfectly. The humor works along with the story. The bad is that the plot felt limited. There was no real place for this story to go and the stakes were so minor that it lacked any kind of dramatic tension.

David Cabeza delivers some awesome art in the issue. All of the characters look great and the panels were filled with detail.