The 90’s have made a resurgence in TV this past year from the revival of Toonami to a sequel of the beloved Boy Meets World. Tuesday night, another beloved 90’s TV show made its comeback, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
The improv-comedy show, hosted by Drew Carey during its U.S run in 1998, was beloved by many of its fans and despite cancellation received a cult-following similar to that of Arrested Development.
The fans of ‘Whose Line’ did not have the beauty of Netflix like those who watched Arrested Development, but instead congregated to YOUTUBE, were it continued to grow. The growing numbers of fans actively made petitions to bring it back to syndication, and it did not go unnoticed. At first, many thought that ‘Improv-A-Ganza’ on the Gaming Show Network would be the answer to the void. Same cast, same model and just a small change to the formula. After one season, GSN wasn’t feeling the new formula and cancelled the show last year.
CW took this opportunity to pick up Whose Line and like a knight in shining armor, revived Whose Line with a season and put the fans eyeballs where their mouths were.
Tuesday’s premiere back-to-back episodes of ‘Whose Line’ started off with new host Aisha Tyler, shaking the dust off, as the cast hit the ground running with classic game “Let’s Make a Date” and continued on with Scenes From a Hat, Living Scenery and mixed in new games What’s In the Bag and Sideways Scene.
It is funny to see Aisha Tyler bringing her zany charm to the mix, as the host. Known for her stand-up comedy, hosting duties on ‘The Talk’ (CBS), and her role as Lana Cain on ‘Archer’ (FX); her role as Whose Line host encompasses different tidbits of her comedic ability. While I do miss the involvement Drew Carey had when hosting we can only hope that element is somehow incorporated with Tyler later on, as the series progresses.
My qualms with the show so far is the special guest stars role and hat all four contestants won. Sorry, I’m a stickler for one, maybe two, winners. Poor Laura Cohan did not really get much screen time on the first episode compared to Kevin McHale on the second, but I just attribute that to the fact that her improve skills were a little off. Funny, but off.
All in all I enjoyed seeing Whose Line back on the air and give it 3.5 TACOS! (out of 5)
How about you, my wonderful reader; Did you enjoy last night’s show? Do you like Aisha Tyler? And what do you think was a memorable line/moment from the show?
My favorite had to be Wayne Brady getting kicked down by Laura Cohan and Brady runs off as soon as he gets up.
Check out the show on CW’s website if you didn’t get to catch it yesterday, and tell us what you think of the series or put up Youtube clips of your favorite moments from past episodes.