The Sandman Universe: Nightmare County #1: DC Comics REVIEW

Apr 12, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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In a new chapter of the Sandman Universe comes Nightmare County. A new Nightmare has emerged, and Dream must figure out a way to stop it. This new nightmare is not of his making and has forced him to rely upon one of his worse nightmare creations. 

Written by: James Tynion IV
Art by: Lisandro Estherren
Colors by: Patricio DelPeche
Letters by: Simon Bowland

As this new nightmare wrecks havoc, The Corinthian is tasked with tracking down and stopping it. We learn more about who or what is the Corinthian, we get a little glimpse of what this new threat is and its capability. With things getting weird and complicated, like in most Sandman stories, the focal point surrounds a young artist named Flynn. 

With the Corinthian investigating this new nightmare, Tynion can build upon the suspense little by little. As the story progresses, the little horrors on display help establish who the characters are. By doing this, new readers can understand who the Corinthian is and why it is bad news it is hunting this mysterious new threat. 

With most Sandman stories, the art is expressive and vibrant, and this is no exception. As many panels depict more hellish visions, Estherren shows off their darker, sinister side. With guest artists Yanick Paquette and Nathan Fairbairn doing the Dreaming pages, it gives a complimentary break to the darker morbid panels. The art truly stands out with the character designs and how some are genuinely out of a nightmare. 

Finals Thoughts

Overall, Nightmare County is a solid horror entry into The Sandman Universe. The only major problem with the issue is how messy or chaotic it is. The story and art sometimes felt out of place or more confusing, especially with out-of-place side narratives over-explaining things. It took me a few reads to understand what was happening and why. 

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