Mar 30, 2021

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The Witcher: Fading Memories #4
Dark Horse

Written by: Bartosz Sztybor
Art by: Amad Mir
Colors by: Hamidreza Sheykh
Letters: Steve Dutro

If you’ve been itching for more stories from The Witcher world while the second season of the Netflix series films, The Witcher: Fading Memories is worth your time. Hopefully this miniseries leads to more Geralt short stories from Dark Horse.

While the second and third issues of this series were solid, the first and final issues were the title’s best. Bartosz Sztybor wrapped things up together well in The Witcher: Fading Memories #4, but the series had far from a settling ending. Geralt is face with one of life’s harsh realities after discovering a truth that will seriously negatively impact the townspeople of Badreine he was hired to help.

But, that’s not all. Sztybor finally goes back to the unsettling story from The Witcher: Fading Memories #1 that hooked readers from the start. A few bells will be rung by the end of The Witcher: Fading Memories #4, leading you to go back to the very start of the series — and raise one last question or two that you’ll have to answer for yourself.

Sztybor, Amad Mir and Hamidreza Sheykh displayed a great understanding for Geralt and the weird nature of this world. This team should get a crack at another Geralt miniseries if Dark Horse decides to go back to the well in the future.

(WARNING: Spoilers for The Witcher: Fading Memories #4 ahead.)

First off, that whole bit about Badreine residents being content with illusion sure was something. The idea of sacrificing the truth for comfort is always unsettling.

Speaking of which, the return of the fisherman from The Witcher: Fading Memories #1 had my head spinning a million different ways. Is he a “fading memory”? Is he one of Woarthe’s illusions? Or is he something else?

Can’t be Woarthe’s work, right? There’s no way he cites some of the fisherman’s quotes from his suicide note like that. But debunking that idea still doesn’t establish much — just that Sztybor doesn’t want readers to get too much satisfaction from the conclusion of The Witcher: Fading Memories.

Score: 8