The Year’s Most compelling Mini-Series “Burning Fields #3” – REVIEW

Mar 20, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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BOOM-BurningFields-03-A-Main-097aaBurning Fields #3
BOOM! Studios

Written by: Michael Moreci & Tim Daniel
Art by: Colin Lorimer
Colors by: Joana Lafuente

Burning Fields is a miniseries of rare strength and execution. It’s a character-driven political thriller with suspense that flirts with a supernatural undertone. It doesn’t rely on cheap tricks or tons of action. Instead, it grips you with dialogue and atmosphere. Few comics can do that. Saga would be an example where you can just listen to the characters converse and still be entertained. The characters written by Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel have a lot at stake in a precarious part of the world and now the investigation into bizarre murders is getting clearer but not less complicated.

Dana and Aban come across an old acquaintance of Aban who happens to be part of a cult with rituals that mirror the victims of a series of murders in the American-run oil field. A cult that coincidentally Aban was also a member of for a short time. Not a good look for the Iraqi detective but with help from his old cult-mate, Ghada, he may offer some important insight on how to capture the psycho killer.

BOOM-BurningFields-03-PRESS-4-de016Meanwhile, Decker and his men are trying to keep the peace in town, but only make things worse. His history with Dana has put him in her crosshairs, but she’s a reluctant avenger. The case is still wide open but as long as the murders continue the trail is still fresh.

Colin Lorimer and Joana Lafuente continue to give the series a cinematic noir look that helps keeps the tension in every well-designed layout. Imagine Francesco Francavilla and Michael Lark had a baby then you can picture the style of Lorimer. His beautifully designed panels provide the scope the story and setting deserve. Decker overlooking the oil field at dusk, a sun swept afternoon in the town square are some of the perfectly drawn and colored scenes but when things get grisly is when Lorimer and Lafuente shine best.

Pick up Burning Fields and get sucked into the mystery that is as enveloping as anything on cable or Netflix. It’s all the more rewarding when you hold the gorgeous pages of art in your hands and read and re-read the year’s most compelling miniseries so far.