Title: “Julian Hosp’s Exit and Crypto Chaos: The Unsettled Future of DeFiChain and Cake”

Mar 20, 2024

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Article Summary


Julian Hosp, the controversial crypto celebrity, is reportedly leaving Singapore amidst disputes surrounding DeFiChain (DFI) and Cake. The future of the companies remains uncertain as subtenants are sought for Cake’s office and Hosp’s villa.


The departure of Julian Hosp from Singapore has raised concerns regarding the stability of DeFiChain and Cake. Ongoing disputes between Hosp and co-founder U-Zyn Chua have added to the uncertainty surrounding the companies.

Main Points

DeFiChain (DFI) is currently facing challenges with its trading at an all-time low. The conflict between Hosp and U-Zyn Chua over the future of Cake has led to legal battles and potential liquidation of the joint company. Lorena B.’s reports on the situation have been insightful, predicting a bleak future for investors.


The controversies surrounding Julian Hosp and his projects, including DeFiChain and Cake, have put their future in jeopardy. With the failure of key projects and mounting legal issues, the outlook for the companies remains uncertain. The developments in the crypto scene will be closely monitored for updates.
