Title: “SuperNova by NFTFN: Redefining Digital Asset Trading with Innovation and 100x Returns”

Mar 22, 2024

Metablox NFT save memories to the blockchain


Everyday we create memories that are attached to places, but how will future generations know what happened to us? 

Metablox is saving our most important memories on the blockchain, and you can own the real world places the memories happened.


NFTFN’s SuperNova introduces innovative features to the NFT market, aiming for 100x returns beyond past successes like Dogwifhat. It provides diversified exposure, risk management tools, and low entry barriers, revolutionizing digital asset trading.


NFTs have revolutionized the digital art market by leveraging blockchain technology to authenticate and create scarcity for digital assets. NFTFN’s SuperNova offers a new approach to NFT trading, addressing barriers and enhancing investor experience.

Main Points

NFTFN’s SuperNova introduces a floor-price index, allowing investors to hedge risks and gain synthetic exposure to Blue-Chip NFTs. The platform offers features like an orderbook exchange, multi-token margin, leverage, and exposure to top NFTs, with a focus on inclusivity and innovation. NFTFN aims to transform digital asset trading by linking NFTs with tangible assets and expanding investor risk profiles.


NFTFN’s vision goes beyond replicating past successes, aiming for 100x returns and industry-leading innovations. With a user-friendly platform, low entry barriers, and diverse asset classes, NFTFN positions itself as a key player in the evolving digital asset trading landscape.