Title: “Zircuit’s Staking Program: A Rapid Rise to $129M TVL in 24 Hours”

Feb 24, 2024

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Article Summary


Zircuit’s staking program quickly amassed over $129 million Total Value Locked (TVL) within 24 hours of its launch, showcasing significant interest and engagement from the community. The program allows users to stake ETH, liquid staking tokens (LSTs), and liquid restaking tokens (LRTs) to earn Zircuit Points.


On February 24th, 2024, Zircuit, a security-focused zero-knowledge rollup, introduced its Zircuit Staking program, propelling the platform’s TVL to over $129M on the Ethereum mainnet shortly after its launch. This initiative has garnered a substantial following on social media platforms and is set to surpass industry benchmarks.

Main Points

Zircuit’s staking program has attracted over 112K Twitter followers and 125K Discord members in just four months, reflecting rapid community growth. Leveraging the rise of EigenLayer and interest in restaking protocols, Zircuit achieved remarkable success, surpassing $129M TVL in under 24 hours.

The program allows users to earn Zircuit Points on top of staking yields and existing points. With support from various platforms like Lido Finance and Renzo Protocol, Zircuit offers flexibility to users, enabling them to withdraw assets at any time while maintaining points and yields.


Zircuit’s innovative staking program has quickly gained momentum, attracting significant TVL and community engagement. Users interested in participating in the program can visit the official website to learn more and join the staking initiative for potential rewards and benefits.


This HTML-rendered article summarizes the launch of Zircuit’s staking program, highlighting its rapid growth and success in accumulating over $129 million TVL within a short timeframe. The introduction discusses the program’s impact on the Ethereum mainnet, while the main points delve into Zircuit’s community expansion, industry comparisons, and user benefits. The conclusion emphasizes the program’s appeal and encourages users to explore participation opportunities through the provided website links.