It’s like hanging at your local comic shop, but in a podcast.
Gun Honey writer Charles Ardai joins TLDR
Charles Ardai makes his TLDR debut to talk about his hit series with Titan Comics, Gun Honey. Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar get some insight into the creative process and how the show got optioned for a show so quickly....
John Lees, Writer Of Hotell & The Crimson Cage From AWA Studios on TLDR
Writer of one of TLDR's favorite horror books, Hotell, and the hit wrestling series from AWA, The Crimson Cage, John Lees joins the show this week. The Crimson Cage is coming to an end. Hotell Vol. 2 is coming to an end. Lees discusses both and their origins with...
Si Spurrier talks Step By Bloody Step, Legion of X with TLDR
GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast Si Spurrier Makes his...
Wolverine, Ghost Rider: Benjamin Percy talks Marvel with TLDR
GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast Benjamin Percy returns to...
TLDR February 2022 Solicitation
February 2022 Solicit Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar go through the new comics coming out the first Wednesday of February (11:37) while also looking ahead to what else is in store from Marvel, DC, Image and more this month. (February 9 - 38:00; February 16 - 52:22;...
Gun Honey & Never Never: TLDR #56
TLDR talks Titan's Gun Honey & Heavy Metal's Never Never After going through what's new in comics this week (3:27), Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar have a pair of awesome comics from indie brands they don't discuss much — Titan (31:14) and Heavy Metal (43:17)....
Saga Returns: TLDR Prepares Image Comics readers for hit series’ 55th issue
TLDR'S Saga Special Nick Friar and Joseph Gilmore go through what's new this week in comics (5:07) and celebrate the return of Image Comics' Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples by looking back at the first 54 issues with their pal Keefe from the #DORK podcast...
Spawn News: The Scorched writer Sean Lewis joins TLDR
GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast Sean Lewis returns to...
TLDR January 2022 Solicitation
GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast TLDR January 2022...
TLDR Annual 2021
GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast TLDR Annual 2021...