TRAILER: Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner Make First Contact With Aliens In ‘Arrival’

Aug 9, 2016


Before Sicario director Denis Villeneuve goes off to make Blade Runner 2 with Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford, he made another science fiction film called Arrival. The film starring Oscar level talent Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker focusing on humanity’s first contract with aliens.

When mysterious spacecrafts touch down across the globe, an elite team is put together to investigate – including language expert Louise Banks (Amy Adams) and mathematician Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner). Mankind teeters on the verge of global war as everyone scrambles for answers – and to find them, Banks and Donnelly will take a chance that could threaten their life, and quite possibly humanity.


Arrival‘s release date is set for November 11th, 2016.