“Unlocking the Potential: The Second Phase of Palau’s PSC Initiative with Ripple’s CBDC Technology”

Dec 17, 2023

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Summary of the PSC Initiative Utilizing Ripple’s CBDC Technology


The Palau Stablecoin (PSC) initiative has entered its second phase, with the Ministry of Finance of Palau officially introducing it. PSC is a digital currency tied to the US dollar and utilizes Ripple’s XRP Ledger. The second phase will focus on forming new partnerships, building a digital ecosystem, and following regulations.


The Palau Stablecoin (PSC) initiative, which is tied to the US dollar and utilizes Ripple’s XRP Ledger, has entered its second phase. The Ministry of Finance of Palau officially introduced the PSC program, and cybersecurity expert Jay Hunter Anson confirmed the program’s second phase debut on December 15th. Anson stated that the PSC team will be able to leverage Ripple’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) technology and technical knowledge in their cooperation with the blockchain company.

Main Points

The second phase of the PSC program will focus on forming new partnerships to achieve sustainable development and marketing objectives. It will also prioritize the building of a digital ecosystem and increasing user involvement, while adhering to regulations. Anthony Welfare, a CBDC strategic consultant at Ripple, discussed the benefits of the second phase, including addressing the environmental impact of money circulation and lowering transaction costs through blockchain-based digital currency.

Welfare also highlighted the challenges in Palau, such as transferring fiat money between the country’s islands and the expensive cost of mobile data. He mentioned that even during a power outage, Palauans can still conduct offline transactions using blockchain-based digital currencies like PSC.


The PSC initiative has entered its second phase, with a focus on partnerships, digital ecosystem development, and regulatory compliance. This phase will leverage Ripple’s CBDC technology and technical knowledge. The benefits of blockchain-based digital currency, such as addressing environmental impact and reducing transaction costs, were discussed. Despite challenges in Palau, such as transferring money between islands and expensive mobile data, PSC offers offline transaction capabilities during power outages.