Wasted Target a”Bloodshot Reborn #1″ Review

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Blood Shot Reborn #1
Valiant Comics

Written by: Jeff Lemire
Art by: Mico Suayan

No one has been better at providing fresh takes on classic characters than Valiant publishing since their revival in 2012. Valiant publishing may have no more popular or polarizing character in their line than Bloodshot. Best described as a Sinister Captain America, Bloodshot is strong carry over for the 90’s comic boom. In Blood Shot Reborn Writer Jeff Lemire attempts to give one of the most blood thirsty characters in comics a modern and endearing makeover

Bloodshot Reborn #1 get’s a lot right most noticeably the art of Mico Suayan. The Artist gives Bloodshot the type of detailed oriented treatment that would be best described as rivaling the modernized and detailed oriented work of Steve Mcniven. While still maintaining a bit of the hyper realistic Mcfarlane flare that made 90’s comics art so beloved.

While the art of the book is the best of classic meets modern, the real triumph comes through Lemire’s ability to take a one-dimensional character like Bloodshot and humanize him. Instead of the one tracked mind-killing machine that most associate the Bloodshot character to be, Lemire molds the Deadshot character into someone readers can sympathize with by playing up the elements of family and past mistakes. By doing this Bloodshot’s mythos remain intact, and Lemire has the freedom to re-define the character moving forward.

As good as so many aspects of this fresh start for Bloodshot are, the very end the book takes a tasteless turn. As the first dilemma our new anti-hero must deal with is an allegory for the Auroa Colorado movie theater shooting. While it is always interesting to see our heroes combat real world problems, in this case Jeff Lemire may have layed it on a bit thick. Thus wasting the chance to provide a perfect return for a not so perfect character.

By Brad Bell


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