What The Fi?! Episode 1: Manimal

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In the inaugural episode of “What the Fi?!”, your Fierce Foursome takes on a classic television series from the rollicking, fast-paced, cocaine-fueled days of the 1980’s. Deron sits down with his millennial co-hosts to give them the opportunity to embrace the finest in 80’s science fiction with the second episode of the Glen A Larson created and produced “Manimal”! They let the fur and the snark fly as they describe the action, the acting and the “special” effects in this episode. Let us know what you think in the comments below and let us know what series you might want us to watch on the next episode of “What the Fi?!”.

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By Danny White

One fourth of the Super Powered Fancast, a lover of most things Marvel (nobody likes you Hydra Steve), and Wielder of the Mystical Soundboard (with all it's mysterious slides and buttons). I enjoy escaping into the world of fantastical fantasy and super heroics while discovering far off realms of new fandoms. Comics, PlayStation, Marvel and DC TV, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, movies, sci-fi, and Tech. Reviewer of Awesome and Creator of Things

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