Who to Return and Fathom Events Has Your Ticket

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We’ve waited months. We’ve watched trailers and read articles. Hell, some us have been counting down the days. Now, we are within a week of release of the Doctor Who Season 10 premiere, and the Internet is abuzz.

To help us celebrate, Fathom Events will be airing the event across the States. It will be a two-night event, which will show on the 17th and 19th at 7 p.m. I am excited to see my favorite Time Lord on the big screen!

Special features will include the premiere episode of Doctor Who spinoff Class with special guest Peter Capaldi playing the Doctor and Becoming the Companion, which chronicles Pearl Mackie’s journey to becoming the newest universe hopper.

As a side note, I attended the Day of the Doctor put on by Fathom Events, and there is nothing quite like listening to all of your people singing the theme song at the same time. It was an amazing experience, and I can’t wait to do it all over again!

Get your tickets!

By Heather E. Houston

A southern gal without southern sensibilities, my propensity for the nerdier side of life leaves me with many interests and hobbies. When I'm not playing with my littles, I'm creating. There is usually no rhyme or reason. Life strikes me differently than most, which grants me a unique perspective.

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