Wynonna Earp Interview from Wonder-Con 2016

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Once again the SYFY channel has brought us another great show to keep our eyes on. This time it brings us to the Wild West in Wynonna Earp. Don’t worry, this is not our grandfather’s version of cowboys in the Western Frontier. This is for a whole new generation. Beau Smith’s comic of the same name is the inspiration for this television show. No superheroes here. Just a fun time in a town called Purgatory.

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) is returning back to her home in Purgatory. Problem is no one wants her back. She is tagged as a troublemaker and an overall bad seed. Soon all that will change as she may be the towns only hope. It turns out that the criminals that her Great Grandfather Wyatt took to the grave are now digging their way out. With the help of her sister, Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) and Agent Dolls of the Black Badge Division (Shamier Anderson), she hopes to return the demons back to their graves.

I have seen the first two episodes now and I am really liking the show. It can be campy with the humor at times, so be warned. In my opinion that is what makes it more enjoyable. Melanie Scrofano is perfect for the role of Wynonna. She has a side to her that can throw down the law, but at the same time keep a smile on your face. The person I fell in love with on this series is Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon). He is Doc Holliday from his look, to even his demeanor. During the press conference I got a chance to ask Tim how quick his draw is. His answer is just how Doc would reply if he were alive today. I hope you enjoy the interview, and let me know what you think of the show in the comments below.

Break Down of the Interviews:

Beau Smith (Comic Creator) & Emily Andras (Executive Producer)
Melanie Scrofano (Wynonna Earp) & Shamier Anderson (Agent Dolls)
Tim Rozon (Doc Holliday) & Dominique Provost-Chalkley (Waverly Earp) $ Michael Eklund (BoBo Del Rey)

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