Zack Snyder Teases ‘Final Crisis’?

Nov 25, 2021

The Internet has just blown up! Twitter erupted after director Zack Snyder shared a video of his thanksgiving turkey. How does that tease “Final Crisis” you may ask? If you look closely in the background, fans have spotted an issue of the legendary DC comics run titled “Final Crisis.”

Zack Snyders Justice league director teases final crisis in new photo on twitter
(Zack Snyder On Twitter)

This tease is not the first in the past few weeks, as Snyder shared a picture of a film clapper with a series of letters & numbers, which fans of the director have speculated endlessly as to what it could mean.

Zack Snyder shares new photo that teases final crisis
(Zack Snyder On Vero)

Superman & His future

All of this plus a recent interview with Henry Cavill on GQ Magazine’s YouTube Channel. The Superman actor discussed his iconic role [Man of Steel] and how he wants to show audiences the hopeful, boy-scout, hero most fans have come to love. The actor also discussed succumbing to the “Anti-Life” equation at the hands of Darkseid.

DCEU detectives

Are fans reading into these pictures and words too much? As well, do fans want a return to DC Films so badly, for Zack, that anything & everything becomes a clue, or something it is not? Possibly, however, we must not forget that Snyder has a pretty amazing deal over at Netflix, with the launch of the successful new franchise Army of The Dead, and the upcoming Rebel Moon.

Director Zack Snyder Shares new photo Of Thanksgiving Turkey. Teases Final Crisis And Trends on twitter.
(Via Twitter- trending)

In conclusion, Zack Snyder seems to know exactly what he is doing. Anytime hype seems to be slowing down, he winds up and throws a wrench into social media. The director rarely puts anything on camera, that he does not intend to be exactly where it is. We shall see what the future holds for Zack & DC

Check out the author’s previous article on the new Spiderman TV-Spot—-> Read it here

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