Top 31 Villains in Gaming: #29

Oct 3, 2014

For the month of October, we are highlighting the top villains in gaming. Andrew, Jeff, and Jeremie have teamed up to take all those guys you love to hate, and rank them. We will reveal them to you in a countdown, starting with #31 and ending with #1 on Halloween. Check us out each day of the month to see where your favorite villains rank!

M Bison

#29: M Bison

First Appearance: Street Fighter II

Most Noteworthy Appearance: Street Fighter II

His first words to me were, “Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed.” He was never much for charm, but M Bison, the main antagonist of Capcom’s Street Fighter II and other installments of the series, is the leader of a criminal organization called Shadaloo. So much of this character was shrouded in mystery. Where did he come from, how did he get his supernatural powers, and what does the M stand for? All we knew was that he was out for world domination and, while a name like Shadaloo didn’t sound extremely intimidating, once you fought him, you totally understood why he’s one of the best video game villains.

It’s always exciting in any fighting game, to progress through the challengers before you. However, in Street Fighter 2 an uneasy dread always loomed overhead. We felt this way because we knew that this mad man was awaiting us. At the time, Bison was known for being one of the most aggressive combatants in a fighting game. He was charging at you with scissor kicks, humiliating you by jumping on your head, and all the while, doing this with Psycho Power. That’s right, Psycho Power –  a power which required him to expel all his goodness and humanity in order to gain it.  He wasn’t unbeatable, but no matter how many times we faced him, he always offered up a challenge. In the end, we never learned what the M stood for and we were often left perplexed by the challenge of taking this dude out, but we do now know this – M Bison is one of the best bosses of any video game.