Ally Auer’s Cosplay Is Sleek, Sharp, And Breathtaking

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Name: Ally Auer

Location: Sydney, Australia

Twitter: @Zombiequeenally



What was your first Cosplay experience?
My first cosplay experience was when I cosplayed back in 2012 for a convention here in Australia called Animania, I teamed up with a friend as Sakura Haruno from Naruto Shippuden.

How long have you been Cosplaying?
I started at the end of 2012, so about 2 and a half years. ☺

Who or what inspired you to take up Cosplaying?
I always loved dressing up as fictional characters and when I found out that cosplay was actually a thing I decided to give it a go and absolutely loved it! I think just seeing all the amazing cosplayers online inspired me, because they were just so amazing and on point with their characters. ☺

If you had to pick a favorite Cosplay you have worn, or have seen someone else wear, what would it be?
I think my favorite cosplay would have to be Ada Wong from Resident Evil 4/6. Not only because she is my fav character and I’m a massive Resident Evil fan, but the response from everyone was really nice. ☺

If you had unlimited funds and resources, what Cosplay would you create?
That’s such a hard question because there are so many characters ahahah :L. I think that would go with either Mistral from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or Yelena from Deus Ex, ☺ if you look up their costumes you will see why, they are AMAZING.

What advice would you offer to those who are aspiring Cosplayers?
Definitely give it a go! ☺ It’s a lot of fun and you make lots of friends through this hobby! It’s always great going to conventions and making friends with people who love what you love. ☺

To learn more about Ally Auer, follow her on Twitter: @Zombiequeenally and check out her DeviantArt page:

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks World Wide, please email Casey at!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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