Angel + Spike #10 (REVIEW)

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Angel + Spike #10
BOOM Comics

Created by: Joss Whedon
Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Illustrated by: Gleb Melnikov
Colored by: Roman Titov
Lettered by: Ed Dukeshire

It really is starting to feel like this is Team Spike. Not that its upsetting to me, more along the lines of a surprise change of pace. While Angel is showcased in the action sequences, it is Spike who has the best dialogue of the issue.

The issue picks up where the last left off. Angel is facing off the unknown entity who has been sent to deal with Detective Lockley. Melnikov does a superb job capturing this sequence. From the subtle changes in Angel’s face when he vamps out to the battle itself the artwork made this section stand out.

Much of the issue deals with the aftermath of this encounter. Angel, sulking already from the Hellmoth now has this loss weighing him down. It turns to Spike to be both the humor and the inspiration of the issue. Hill does a great job writing Spike. He captures the arrogance, annoyance yet still managing to highlight the empathy of the character. Both Gunn and Fred have already bought in to his style so who knows this may end up as Team Spike.

I enjoyed this issue because of the continued emphasis on Spike as a much deeper character. This issue shows less of the angry pitiful individual and instead someone who has accepted who they are. Taking into account all that has happened to them and all they have done to others. Used to be Angel’s thing, thankfully we have the addition of Spike for that now.

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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