"Queen of Katwe" is the colorful true story of a young girl selling corn on the streets of rural Uganda whose world rapidly changes when she is introduced to the game of chess, and, as a result of the support she receives from her family and community, is instilled...
Erica Freeman
Diversity Aboveground: Free Comic Book Day 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016 is Free Comic Book Day! Yes, it's time once again to locate your participating stores, show up, check out the free comics and give them some love with your cash, too. Store vary from the usual comic book stores to book sellers like Books a...
Diversity Aboveground: Asians Ignored
Asians haven't had it easy in Hollywood. For most of American film's existence, East Asian characters have been portrayed by Caucasians in yellowface and/or consistently the villain or man servant. Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong complained in a 1933 interview,...
Diversity Aboveground: Pee-wee Asexual?
Is the character of Pee-wee Herman asexual? Herman appears to be child-like but the majority of his friends are adults and he has a job in his newest film. He lives alone and is able to take cross-country trips on his own without asking anyone's permission. If he's a...
Trailer: Spielberg and Disney make The BFG
Ten-year-old Sophie is in for the adventure of a lifetime when she meets the Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance). Naturally scared at first, the young girl soon realizes that the 24-foot behemoth is actually quite gentle and charming. As their friendship grows, Sophie's...
Diversity Aboveground: Muslim Representation Needed
Muslims currently suffer from incorrect generalizations and bias. This is not suffering like an inconvenience or annoyance. In 2015, Mosques were attacked 63 times and there were over 38 reported hate crimes just in November and December. Many hate crimes go...
TRAILER: Alice Through the Looking Glass and into Wonderland Again
In Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” an all-new spectacular adventure featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland and travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter. This week, a...
Diversity Aboveground: A Series of Unfortunate Events
A Series of Unfortunate Events was first announced as an adaptation by Netflix in November 2014. In August 2015, Daniel Handler, the author behind the original book series revealed on Twitter that, “In writing the Snicket series, it was important to me that everyone...
Diversity Aboveground: New Ghostbusters Info
Now that more has been released about the new Ghostbusters film, is it still about female empowerment? Erin Gilbert (Kristin Wiig) has a doctorate in Particle Physics, specializing in spectral entities. This alone is pretty awesome. Females with Ph.Ds are pretty rare...
New Trailer: Finding Dory
"Finding Dory” reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the true meaning of family along the way. The all-new big-screen adventure dives into theaters in 2016, taking moviegoers back to the...